Nearly all of the objects in the scene are isosurfaces which explains why it took so long for me to render the image/detail views. Thanks to Gilles Tran for the mkgrass and water effects, the rest is all my own work. The Spider/Web is the only object I had before starting and unfortunately the detail render didn't get far enough to show it properly. Until I started this scene I hadn't used the isosurface object before so thanks to Mike Williams for his excellent isosurface tutorial. (I only wish I had paid more attention in Maths)
I consider this to be WIP and hopefully I can motivate myself to finish off the image and get the lighting/textures a bit (or in some cases lot) better. I also plan to render the scene in different weather conditions (as it is normally raining whenever I go to the Minack..)
Final render of main scene at 1280x1024 took about 5 days. I stupidly decided to do a 6400x5120 render to cut the detail views out of which never actually finished so I had to just cut out two of the top parts of the image for the details views...