"Conclave" by Robert W. McGregor

A secret gathering of *those* things...

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Long Description

Several schools of organic shapes gathered amid a nest of twisting coils conduct a clandestine meeting within a serene group of bubbles.

The colors and textures in this piece were inspired by the tropical islands and waters of my native Florida. I love the way the colors, shapes, and textures in this work interact and coalesce to yield a satisfying aggregate of organic imagery.

Making Of

Making Conclave


I wanted the overall composition to be an overlaid triptych of organic shapes that resembled schools of some kind of sea life flocking through the water. The green twisting coils in the background were added to give a sense of opposing movement to the overall piece.


For the background coils I used slices of a torus assembled in a simple macro to create an interesting pattern, which I then replicated, rotated, and translated into position.

The schooling sea-things are random blobs with 5 sphere components each. They were assembled into schools by a macro, and the resulting union objects were flattened and stretched until they looked right to me.


Using the eyedropper tool in a photo editor I sampled selected colors from a photo of some small islands just off the Florida Keys for that realistic tropical feel. I used the RGB color components as pigment values for the objects and environment in the scene.


I used a standard main light/fill light setup, and enhanced the highlights and colors with 4 additional spotlights positioned appropriately.

Tools Used

o Sketch paper, graph paper & pencil
o My subconscious, conscious, and imaginative synaptic pathways
o POVRay 3.6 for Windows

Supplied Files


Detail Images

Detail 1: 1200x1200 @ 765,155

Detail 2: 1200x1200 @ 20,260
Judges Comments

Interesting try at abstract, but not visually appealing enough.

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