applied math
"applied math" by 'Dan Hover'

made to show the similarity and difference in our perception of self similar objects

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Long Description

I originally intended to call the pic 'brothers in birth', but i wasn't sure of the understanding and clearness of this title. The next concept was 'duality' until I got this almost mandelbrot shaped (in german we call this the 'little apple guy' - 'Apfelmaennchen') shadow of the tree (which was in fact a lucky accident, that would have never been happened if intended), and 'trinity' was no good name in my opinion.

Making Of

The picture itself didn't encounter a big evolution, there were only some minor light and angle changes - it is just like intended. The tree was done with my, i changed the leaves to maple, silver surface. The fractal tetraeder was made with the macro i developed for the marble3 of my sandcastle (surprisingly this was made first). For the tree itself there is a long description at "the dancers".

Tools Used

IgrafxImage (Picture Publisher - for the maple-leaves), PoV-Ray 3.5

Supplied Files (13 kb)

Detail Images

Detail 1: 1282x960 @ 305,230

Detail 2: 1280x962 @ 559,555
Judges Comments


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