Mobile Home
"Mobile Home" by Antoine Valentim

The moon of a distant planet is being prepared for human colonization. An automated factory builds all that the colonists will need, including houses. We see one such house walking around the moon, looking for a good place to settle down.

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Long Description

Not Supplied

Making Of

Everything is hand-coded, and mainly CSG. The house is made up of various sub-buildings of various heights, each with its own roof and windows. The curtains are simple meshes, with the folds based on the vturbulence function. The legs are made up of cylinders, spheres, etc. The mountains in the distance and the ground in the foreground are isosurfaces. The dust plumes under the legs are media. The planet is a sphere, suitably textured and semi-transparent in order to allow the sky_sphere to show through. The planet's rings are simple tori.

Tools Used

computer: 433 Celeron running Windows 98, my own software for getting the POV-Ray RGB colors from photos, and IrfanView for measuring dimensions of objects in reference photos (and to convert image to JPEG).

Supplied Files


Detail Images

Detail 1: 1280x960 @ 533,702

Detail 2: 1280x960 @ 668,163
Judges Comments

Cute concept, good modelling. The terrain is much too simple (plain texture etc.) though.

Great use of CSG. Enjoyed the image, very Pythonesqe.

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